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research park中文是什么意思

用"research park"造句"research park"怎么读"research park" in a sentence


  • 科学园
  • 研究园区


  • Approximately two - thirds of north american research parks feature incubators
  • This session will discuss the relationship between research parks and incubators and the resources necessary to make these partnerships work
  • Since stanford university established the first science park ? tanford research park that formed the " silicon valley " in 1951 , there were a host of countries and zones imitated it
    自1951年美国斯坦福大学创立世界上第一个高科技园区? ?斯坦福研究公园并形成“硅谷”以来,世界上许多国家和地区纷纷效仿。
  • Chapter one introduction this chapter analyses the background , the goal and the importance of this research ; comprehensively surveys the achievements of research on astdp home and abroad ; puts forward the research ' s fundamental system , method and major innovation ; selects the independent innovation asdp as the major research object , selects the state yangling agricultural hi - tech industry demonstration zone as the major empirical research park , selects 4 factors such as innovation and so on as the essential research contents
用"research park"造句  



A research park is a research facility that is often linked with a major research university. Throughout North America, there are more than 170 research parks.
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